This is a short list of our most frequently asked questions. For more information about Rime, or if you need support, please email our support support@rime.co.

What is Rime?

We believe that everyone is an artist. Internet is a platform which allows you to showcase your creation, through multiple apps. Rime helps you to sync your content in one unified timeline. Which helps your fans and followers to get bigger picture of you.

What are the services currently supported?

Currently Rime supports 11 popular platforms which are:

  1. Facebook (including pages)
  2. Flickr
  3. Foursquare
  4. GitHub (including company pages)
  5. Google+ (including YouTube & Blogger)
  6. Instagram
  7. LinkedIn (including company pages)
  8. Twitter
  9. Tumblr
  10. Vimeo (including channels)

We will also support RSS feed, which is currently in development. Subscribe to our Announcement emails and we will let you know when its ready.

Does Rime save my service's password?

Absolutely not! Rime connects your content through authorization and extracting data from platforms API. Rime uses APIs provided by service provider to access only your Public Data.

What happens to my private data?

Rime brings only publically shared content from connected accounts. So there is no private content.

What happens if I remove any linked account?

On unlinking an account contents belonging to the account will be removed from the timeline.

Why my profile page is empty?

Probable reasons are either your linked account doesn’t have any data or public data. If both are not the case please refresh the page after a while our sync servers may take a while.

Can I upload photo or post on Rime?

No. Rime connects content from various platforms but doesn't allow to create one.

When are you going to make the phone app?

We are currently working on making the web experiences as solid as possible. Only then will we consider other platforms, but our website is mobile browser friendly.