
An Internet bot, also known as web robot, WWW robot or simply bot, is a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone.

Computing and technology

  • Bot, a “software robot device”
  • Bot, a “software bot
  • Bot, a software agent ** Especially an intelligent agent
  • Bot, a Web crawler or Web spider, a computer program that does automated tasks
  • Chatbot, a computer program that converses in natural language
  • Internet bot, a software application that runs automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet **a Spambot, an internet bot designed to assist in the sending of spam.
  • Internet Relay Chat bot, a computer program connected to an Internet Relay Chat server as a user, but providing special services or performing special functions
  • Robot, or “bot”, a mechanical device that can perform physical tasks
  • Social bot, a type of chatbot that is employed in social media networks to automatically generate messages **Twitter bot, a program used to produce automated posts on the Twitter microblogging service
  • Trading bot, a computer program that is linked to exchanges and programmed to trade following pre-defined algorithms; see Bitconnect
  • Video game bot, a computer-controlled player or opponent
  • Wikipedia bot, an internet bot which perform tasks in Wikipedia
  • Zombie (computer science), a zombie computer is part of a botnet
Create a new website
To add more than one app invite at least 3 people.
To add more than one app invite at least 3 people.